Nissan Altima 2016 Workshop Service Repair Manual
If possible, drive the vehicle with the customer until the noise is duplicated. Note any additional information on the Diagnostic Worksheet regarding the conditions or location of the noise. This information can be used to duplicate the same conditions when you confirm the repair.

Nissan Altima 2016 Workshop Service Repair Manual
If the noise can be duplicated easily during the test drive, to help identify the source of the noise, try to dupli- cate the noise with the vehicle stopped by doing one or all of the following:
1) Close a door.
2) Tap or push/pull around the area where the noise appears to be coming from.
3) Rev the engine.
4) Use a floor jack to recreate vehicle “twist”.
5) At idle, apply engine load (electrical load, half-clutch on M/T model, drive position on CVT and A/T models). 6) Raise the vehicle on a hoist and hit a tire with a rubber hammer.
• Drive the vehicle and attempt to duplicate the conditions the customer states exist when the noise occurs.
Nissan Altima 2016 Workshop Service Repair Manual
• If it is difficult to duplicate the noise, drive the vehicle slowly on an undulating or rough road to stress the
vehicle body.
After verifying the customer concern or symptom, check ASIST for Technical Service Bulletins (TSBs) related
to that concern or symptom.
If a TSB relates to the symptom, follow the procedure to repair the noise.
1. Narrow down the noise to a general area. To help pinpoint the source of the noise, use a listening tool (Chassis Ear: J-39570, Engine Ear: J-39565 and mechanic’s stethoscope).
2. Narrow down the noise to a more specific area and identify the cause of the noise by: • removing the components in the area that you suspect the noise is coming from.
Do not use too much force when removing clips and fasteners, otherwise clips and fasteners can be
broken or lost during the repair, resulting in the creation of new noise.